I'm using svelte 5 instead of svelte 4 here is an overview of the changes.
#### Overview
Svelte 5 introduces runes, a set of advanced primitives for controlling reactivity. The runes replace certain non-runes features and provide more explicit control over state and effects.
#### $state
- **Purpose:** Declare reactive state.
- **Usage:**
- **Replaces:** Top-level `let` declarations in non-runes mode.
- **Class Fields:**
class Todo {
done = $state(false);
text = $state();
constructor(text) {
this.text = text;
- **Deep Reactivity:** Only plain objects and arrays become deeply reactive.
#### $state.raw
- **Purpose:** Declare state that cannot be mutated, only reassigned.
- **Usage:**
- **Performance:** Improves with large arrays and objects.
#### $state.snapshot
- **Purpose:** Take a static snapshot of $state.
- **Usage:**
#### $derived
- **Purpose:** Declare derived state.
- **Usage:**
- **Replaces:** Reactive variables computed using `$:` in non-runes mode.
#### $derived.by
- **Purpose:** Create complex derivations with a function.
- **Usage:**
#### $effect
- **Purpose:** Run side-effects when values change.
- **Usage:**
- **Replacements:** $effect replaces a substantial part of `$: {}` blocks triggering side-effects.
#### $effect.pre
- **Purpose:** Run code before the DOM updates.
- **Usage:**
- **Replaces:** beforeUpdate.
#### $effect.tracking
- **Purpose:** Check if code is running inside a tracking context.
- **Usage:**
#### $props
- **Purpose:** Declare component props.
- **Usage:**
- **Replaces:** export let syntax for declaring props.
#### $bindable
- **Purpose:** Declare bindable props.
- **Usage:**
#### $inspect
- **Purpose:** Equivalent to `console.log` but re-runs when its argument changes.
- **Usage:**
#### $host
- **Purpose:** Retrieve the this reference of the custom element.
- **Usage:**
- **Note:** Only available inside custom element components on the client-side.
#### Overview of snippets in svelte 5
Snippets, along with render tags, help create reusable chunks of markup inside your components, reducing duplication and enhancing maintainability.
#### Snippets Usage
- **Definition:** Use the `#snippet` syntax to define reusable markup sections.
- **Basic Example:**
{#snippet figure(image)}
- **Invocation:** Render predefined snippets with `@render`:
{@render figure(image)}
- **Destructuring Parameters:** Parameters can be destructured for concise usage:
{#snippet figure({ src, caption, width, height })}
#### Snippet Scope
- **Scope Rules:** Snippets have lexical scoping rules; they are visible to everything in the same lexical scope:
{@render x()}
- **Recursive References:** Snippets can self-reference or reference other snippets:
{#snippet blastoff()}
{#snippet countdown(n)}
{#if n > 0}
{@render countdown(n - 1)}
{@render blastoff()}
{@render countdown(10)}
#### Passing Snippets to Components
- **Direct Passing as Props:**
{#snippet header()}
{#snippet row(fruit)}
{fruit.qty * fruit.price}
- **Implicit Binding:**
{#snippet header()}
{/snippet} {#snippet row(fruit)}
{fruit.qty * fruit.price}
- **Children Snippet:** Non-snippet content defaults to the `children` snippet:
{@render children()}
- **Avoid Conflicts:** Do not use a prop named `children` if also providing content inside the component.
#### Typing Snippets
- **TypeScript Integration:**
- **Generics for Improved Typing:**
#### Creating Snippets Programmatically
- **Advanced Use:** Create snippets programmatically using `createRawSnippet` where necessary.
#### Snippets and Slots
- **Mixing with Slots:** Slots are deprecated but still work. Snippets provide more flexibility and power.
- **Custom Elements:** Continue using `` for custom elements as usual.
Sure! Here are the succinct instructions for handling Event Handlers in Svelte 5, tailored for the AI-integrated code editor to help it understand and utilize these features effectively.
### Custom Instructions for Svelte 5 Event Handlers in Cursor AI
#### Overview
In Svelte 5, event handlers are treated as properties, simplifying their use and integrating them more closely with the rest of the properties in the component.
#### Basic Event Handlers
- **Declaration:** Use properties to attach event handlers.
- **Shorthand Syntax:**
- **Deprecation:** The traditional `on:` directive is deprecated.
#### Component Events
- **Replacing createEventDispatcher:** Components should accept callback props instead of using `createEventDispatcher`.
{ size += power; if (size > 75) burst = true; }}
deflate={(power) => { if (size > 0) size -= power; }}
{#if burst}
#### Bubbling Events
- **Accept Callback Props:**
- **Spreading Props:**
#### Event Modifiers
- **Avoiding Modifiers:** Modifiers like `|once`, `|preventDefault`, etc., are not supported. Use wrapper functions instead.
- **Example Wrapper Functions:**
- **Special Modifiers:** For `capture`:
#### Multiple Event Handlers
- **Combining Handlers:** Instead of using multiple handlers, combine them into one.
### examples old vs new
#### Counter Example
- **Svelte 4 vs. Svelte 5:**
- **Before:**
- **After:**
#### Tracking Dependencies
- **Svelte 4 vs. Svelte 5:**
- **Before:**
#### Autoscroll Example
- **Svelte 4 vs. Svelte 5:**
- **Before:**
{#each messages as message}
- **After:**
{#each messages as message}
#### Forwarding Events
- **Svelte 5:**
#### Passing UI Content to a Component
- **Passing content using snippets:**
I'm also using sveltekit 2 which also has some changes I'd like you to keep in mind
### Redirect and Error Handling
In SvelteKit 2, it is no longer necessary to throw the results of `error(...)` and `redirect(...)`. Simply calling them is sufficient.
**SvelteKit 1:**
import { error } from '@sveltejs/kit';
function load() {
throw error(500, 'something went wrong');
**SvelteKit 2:**
import { error } from '@sveltejs/kit';
function load() {
error(500, 'something went wrong');
**Distinguish Errors:**
Use `isHttpError` and `isRedirect` to differentiate known errors from unexpected ones.
import { isHttpError, isRedirect } from '@sveltejs/kit';
try {
// some code
} catch (err) {
if (isHttpError(err) || isRedirect(err)) {
// handle error
### Cookie Path Requirement
Cookies now require a specified path when set, deleted, or serialized.
**SvelteKit 1:**
export function load({ cookies }) {
cookies.set(name, value);
return { response };
**SvelteKit 2:**
export function load({ cookies }) {
cookies.set(name, value, { path: '/' });
return { response };
### Top-Level Promise Handling
Promises in `load` functions are no longer awaited automatically.
**Single Promise:**
**SvelteKit 1:**
export function load({ fetch }) {
return {
response: fetch(...).then(r => r.json())
**SvelteKit 2:**
export async function load({ fetch }) {
const response = await fetch(...).then(r => r.json());
return { response };
**Multiple Promises:**
**SvelteKit 1:**
export function load({ fetch }) {
return {
a: fetch(...).then(r => r.json()),
b: fetch(...).then(r => r.json())
**SvelteKit 2:**
export async function load({ fetch }) {
const [a, b] = await Promise.all([
fetch(...).then(r => r.json()),
fetch(...).then(r => r.json())
return { a, b };
### `goto` Changes
`goto(...)` no longer accepts external URLs. Use `window.location.href = url` for external navigation.
### Relative Paths Default
Paths are now relative by default, ensuring portability across different environments. The `paths.relative` config option manages this behavior.
### Deprecated Settings and Functions
- **Server Fetches** are no longer trackable.
- **`preloadCode` Arguments:** Must be prefixed with the base path.
- **`resolvePath` Replacement:** Use `resolveRoute` instead.
import { resolveRoute } from '$app/paths';
const path = resolveRoute('/blog/[slug]', { slug: 'hello' });
### Improved Error Handling
Errors trigger the `handleError` hook with `status` and `message` properties for better discernment.
### Dynamic Environment Variables
Dynamic environment variables cannot be used during prerendering. Use static modules instead.
### `use:enhance` Callback Changes
The properties `form` and `data` have been removed from `use:enhance` callbacks, replaced by `formElement` and `formData`.
### Forms with File Inputs
Forms containing `` must use `enctype="multipart/form-data"`.
With these adjusted guidelines, your AI can now generate SvelteKit 2 code accurately while considering the migration changes.